Foto: Jan Kåre Wilhelmsen, Universitetet i Bergen.

Holder foredrag på ISRRT i Canada

Sundaran Kada holder fredag foredrag på den internasjonale ISRRT-kongressen i Toronto, Canada. Temaet er norske radiografstudenters kunnskap om stråledoser, som viser seg å være for lav.

Publisert Sist oppdatert
Det er 17. gang The International Society of Radiographers and Radiological Technologists (ISRRT) arranger kongress, som denne gang varer fra 7.-10. juni. Fra Norsk Radiografforbund er forbundsleder Anna Pettersen og fagsjef Håkon Hjemly representert. Lav kunnskap Kada er i år eneste norske foredragsholder, med "Awareness of X-ray Radiation Doses Among Norwegian Student Radiographers". I Hold Pusten nr. 4 - 2012 kunne du lese hans egen fagartikkel om temaet. Den bygger på en undersøkelse Kada har gjennomført blant sisteårs radiografistudenter i Norge. Konklusjonen er dessverre at kunnskapen om stråledoser og strålerisiko er for lav. Sundaran Kada er utdannet radiograf, og tok doktorgrad i 2011. Han jobber som høgskolelektor ved Høgskolen i Bergen.

Abstract av artikkelen:

Purpose: To assess the level of student radiographers’ knowledge concerning both the radiation doses received by patients undergoing commonly requested radiological investigations and the associated risks of these doses. Methods: All Radiography institutions (n=6) in Norway were surveyed using the self-developed questionnaire related to radiation issues. The study population (n=122) was final year student radiographers in their final term of study. Results: The response rate was 79% (122/155). The majority of the student radiographers reported poor knowledge of radiation doses. They were either ignorant of or underestimated the radiation doses used in the various imaging examinations. Only 6 student radiographers answered 50 % of the items in a questionnaire designed for assessment of their level of knowledge correctly. Overall 63% (n=77) of the student radiographers were not aware of the radiation dose received from a chest x-ray, and 64% (n=78) of the students were ignorant of the annual dose limit for the patients. The study identified no statistically significant differences in mean score among radiography institutions (p=0.08) and between genders (p=0.61). Conclusion: Overall, final year student radiographers’ knowledge regarding radiation doses and the risks associated with ionising radiation is reported to be poor.
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